Subject: Error message Posted: 5/30/2015 Viewed: 22709 times
when I try to calculate results WEAP Shows this error...kindly guide me what I should do next? thanks
There are no reaches linked to this aquifer. Therefore, groundwater/ surfacewater interaction cannot be calculated.
Branch : Supply and Resources\Groundwater\G.W
Scenario:current accounts
Year: 2012
Month: January
Variable: Specific Yield
It sounds to me like you've asked WEAP to model groundwater and surface water flows. If you are not planning to do this, go to whichever aquifer you're getting the error you (you'll know which one because WEAP will direct you there after giving you the error), click the "Physical" button at the top. Then select the "Method" tab. Where it says "Model GW-SW flows" change it to "Specify GW-SW flows."
However, if you do want to model the flow interactions, I would recommend reading through the "Catchments" module of the WEAP tutorial (available to see the process for connection your groundwater to river reaches.