Subject: Calibration in WEAP Posted: 5/18/2015 Viewed: 18278 times
Dear WEAP users
I am using Rainfall Runoff method to estimate run in basin I got result but Iam fcusing problem in Calibration in WEAP when I used pest Calibration it gave error messege. there any Alternative to calibrate in WEAP except pest calibration.
Best regards
Ms. Stephanie Galaitsi
Subject: Re: Calibration in WEAP Posted: 5/18/2015 Viewed: 18236 times
What error message did you get?
Unfortunately I'm not familiar with pest calibration. I would recommend exporting the results you wish to calibrate (like streamflow at a particular site) and compare it to the data you have. You can use different statistical indicators to judge whether the model is sufficiently simulating the basin dynamics. In WEAP, you can look at the "Streamflow Relative to Gauge" report to compare observed data and simulated results, or select the gauge and the node above the gauge on the Streamflow report.