Subject: Sensitivity of model and calibration Posted: 10/31/2014 Viewed: 19267 times
I'm new user of WEAP. I have used the WEAP for Zayandeh rud basin (Iran). Because I have the data of inflows and water demands from regional water institution (all headflow) so directly I used this data.I did not use soil moisture method or FAO method. In my model I have one reservoir in upstream of the basin which provide the water for all water consumption. How can I get the sensitivity of model and calibrate the model?
I look forward to your kind reply. Thanks
Ms. Stephanie Galaitsi
Subject: Re: Sensitivity of model and calibration Posted: 11/20/2014 Viewed: 19135 times
Hi Sofia,
To calibrate the model, you will need to review the results and compare the data you have. I would familiarize myself witht the results section, and decide which outputs matter most for your analysis, then focus on ensuring that those are close reality.
If you want to look at specific sensitives to data inputs (agriculture, demand changes, etc), you can use scenarios to compare the results. The WEAP tutorial has a scenarios module you can read through to see how they work, and how to use the results.