Subject: Daily Climate Data Posted: 4/15/2014 Viewed: 24261 times
Hi All,
I have a (possibly) stupid question for the other user forum members. I was wondering if there is any way to have WEAP accept climate data on a daily scale and then output flow data at the same scale. Right now, it looks like WEAP will only work with monthly or yearly variations.
I'd be very grateful for any suggestions you can offer.
Mr. Jack Sieber
Subject: Re: Daily Climate Data Posted: 4/16/2014 Viewed: 24251 times
You can change the WEAP timestep to anything from one day to one year. (On the menu, go to General, Years and Time Steps.) Therefore, you can change the timestep to daily, so that all data and results will be on a daily scale. However, keep in mind that WEAP does not do flow routing or time lags in the river--water in the most upstream reach is available in the most downstream reach within the same timestep. Therefore, you should choose your timestep appropriately for the spatial scale of your model.
If you are using climate data to drive a hydrology model, you also have the option of using the MABIA method. The MABIA method calculates using daily data on a daily timestep, regardless of the WEAP model timestep. For example, if your model timestep is weekly, the MABIA method will calculate flows (runoff, evapotranspiration, infiltration) on a daily timescale and aggregate them to weekly for use in the rest of the model (river flows).