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All Topics | Topic "WEAP-MODFLOW tool "LinkKitchen 2.0" released on http://www.bgr.bund.de/IWRM-DSS"
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Author Message
Dr. Jobst Massmann

Subject: WEAP-MODFLOW tool "LinkKitchen 2.0" released on http://www.bgr.bund.de/IWRM-DSS   
Posted: 2/5/2014 Viewed: 25410 times
Dear WEAP-MODFLOW friends,

the free tool "LinkKitchen" has been updated!


LinkKitchen can originally be used to setup the linkage between WEAP and an existing MODFLOW model.
Very often it happens that it is asked for a groundwater flow model for an existing WEAP-area. LinkKitchen can assists the groundwater modeler in the setup of a MODFLOW model. The idea behind that functionality is to use the outcomes and calibration of an existing WEAP model and let LinkKitchen
prepare a set of files that may directly be used by MODFLOW pre-processor software like GMS. The datasets of interest are the groundwater abstraction from wells and the recharge to groundwater, spatially defined by
certain zones.

New features of LinkKitchen 2.0:
- attribute new shapefiles with the names defined in WEAP elements
- export time series in an ASCII format readable by GMS (abstraction and recharge)
- Export WEAP-MODFLOW results to ESRI shape file (Head, Recharge, Wells, Drains, Rivers)
- Display and export WEAP-MODFLOW water budget and convergence

Features of LinkKitchen:
- Read and display WEAP elements directly from existing WEAP areas
- Read and display MODFLOW model
- Read and display ESRI shape files
- Attributing shapefiles to WEAP nodes
- Creating linkage shape file (WEAP-MODFLOW)
- Updating WEAP parameters
- Wizard for creating the Flow-Stage-Width curve for rivers

The new development has been done by Markus Huber, geo:tool, and funded by the BGR (German Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources).

Please visit http://www.bgr.bund.de/IWRM-DSS for free download and further information on WEAP-MODFLOW.

Let us now your opinion and experience!
Topic "WEAP-MODFLOW tool "LinkKitchen 2.0" released on http://www.bgr.bund.de/IWRM-DSS"