Subject: climate change impacts on agriculture modeling... Posted: 7/20/2013 Viewed: 24719 times
Hello everyone,
I am trying to use weap to model the impacts of climate change on agriculture in Jordan using temperature and rainfall data, can anyone help to get start the model?
From where shall I begin and if there is example files of csv file containig missing values...
Thanks a lot ...
Mohammad Jaber
Dr. Mehdi Mirzaee
Subject: Re: climate change impacts on agriculture modeling... Posted: 8/5/2013 Viewed: 24485 times
Dear Mohammad,
If I were you, just check expression builder's functions. There is a function which is:
Then follow its description. You can find a useful part which is >, so you can start everything from there.
I suggest you have to play a bit with different files format and your model to make sure that everything is alright.
Any question?
Eid Mobarak, in advanced :)
Dr. Bouraïma Kouanda
Subject: Re: climate change impacts on agriculture modeling... Posted: 12/25/2014 Viewed: 20158 times
Topic "climate change impacts on agriculture modeling..."