Subject: linkage weap&modflow Posted: 4/12/2012 Viewed: 27453 times
hi all dear
I want establish a link between the weap and mudflow to do my tez.
i have some questions:
1- in part"Add Catchment- and Groundwater-information to the linkage
shapefile" some cells empty in tabel attributes of linkage?
2-rate of recharge or area or etc must be obtained come from mudflow 2weap?for me mudflow 2weap not show value in excel file,why?
3-Watershed segmentation based on what I do? Recharge zone or hydraulic conductivity
4-after establishing the link below to see :Well cells linked to WEAP demand site or catchment pumping: 6 are linked, 179 are NOT linked,where is my problem
Please tell me what I do?
Mr. Markus Huber
Subject: Re: linkage weap&modflow Posted: 4/23/2012 Viewed: 27355 times
1. I assume that the empty cells are inactive in the MODFLOW model. Those cells are neglected in the calculation and can remain empty.
2. The catchment area is calculated after the linkage file was attributed. Did you already enter the catchments' names to the linkage file?
4. That sounds as if the linkage file was not sufficiently attributed. Be sure to have entered values for Catchments, Groundwater nodes, rivers, drains, etc. to all active MODFLOW cells.
Best regards
Eng. Alberto Vivas Narváez
Subject: linkage weap&modflow Posted: 4/29/2012 Viewed: 27308 times
Consistent with what Jobs Massmann says in this forum want to make available the following link: