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All Topics | Topic "Report: "Energy-Water-Climate Planning for Development without Carbon in Latin America and the Caribbean""
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Mr. Jack Sieber

Subject: Report: "Energy-Water-Climate Planning for Development without Carbon in Latin America and the Caribbean"   
Posted: 1/19/2012 Viewed: 27610 times

Energy is essential for development, but given the urgent need to mitigate climate change, developing nations are under pressure to keep their carbon emissions low. This leaves them with three options: abandon development; ignore climate concerns; or take a third path: finding energy sources that emit little or no carbon.

This report focuses on the third option, which we call "development without carbon" (DWC), looking at the viability of hydroelectric power as a low-carbon energy source for Latin America and the Caribbean in a changing climate.

The authors find that hydropower supplies 46% of the region's electricity, a far greater share than the 16% global average – and it has been estimated that only 21 to 38 percent of the region's hydroelectric potential has been realized. However, changes in the water supply due to climate change, competing uses, and population growth could thwart further development plans.

The report examines climate trends in the region and their implications for hydropower generation, and explains how two tools developed by SEI, the Water Evaluation And Planning system (WEAP) and the Long-range Energy Alternatives Planning system (LEAP), can be used to help identify and address critical issues in planning for low-carbon development. An appendix offers a listing of relevant research using LEAP and WEAP in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Eng. Alberto Vivas Narváez

Subject: Re: Report:   
Posted: 2/14/2012 Viewed: 27401 times
Hi Jack:

The document also, highlights the importance and the SEI team effort to seek the creation of the WEAP and LEAP platform in order to integrate the concepts water-energy and water-climate model from the experiences in the Southeast U.S. and California. Integrating WEAP and LEAP would aim to promote mitigation and the degree of mitigation measures.

The document at the end, shows two good experiences in Colombia.

thank you very much

Topic "Report: "Energy-Water-Climate Planning for Development without Carbon in Latin America and the Caribbean""