Subject: Discharge to a river Posted: 1/9/2012 Viewed: 27385 times
I'm currently applying WEAP to a watershed in Colombia and I need to add a discharge point to a river, but I don't know how to do it since this discharge comes from the sewerage system of a city and it is not a return flow from any demand site.
I would appreciate any comment you have.
Yully C.
Dr. Mehdi Mirzaee
Subject: Re: Discharge to a river Posted: 3/22/2012 Viewed: 26981 times
There are many ways to do that. the first one is do exactly like Weaping river basin tutorial. make a city demand, return flow, wastewater treatment plant, and link WWT to river by a return flow.
If water quality is not your headache, just link city to river by a return flow.
But if you do not want to model city demands/supply and you just want to have a source in a specific reach, easiest way is using reach inflow.Go to the tree, choose your river and click on specific reach. In related window, you can enter a time series or specific value...
And another way :)
put a "other Supply" near river and link it by transmission link. then you can enter any time series, or specific value for for your time steps.
i think that could be enough :) because I think I have 4 or 5 ways more :D
Have Fun!
Eng. Alberto Vivas Narváez
Subject: Discharge to a river Posted: 4/26/2012 Viewed: 26815 times
Inflow can use the extension.