Subject: 4 New WEAP-Related Publications Posted: 5/2/2011 Viewed: 32299 times
I have just posted 4 new WEAP-related publications on the WEAP Publications page:
Each citation on this page links to either an abstract or the full text of the article.
2011 Vishal K. Mehta, David E. Rheinheimer, David Yates, David R. Purkey, Joshua H. Viers, Charles A. Young and Jeffrey F. Mount, "Potential impacts on hydrology and hydropower production under climate warming of the Sierra Nevada," Journal of Water and Climate Change, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 29–43, doi:10.2166/wcc.2011.054, 2011.
2011 Samuel Sandoval-Solis, Daene McKinney, Pete Loucks, "Sustainability Index for Water Resources Planning and Management," Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, doi:10.1061/(ASCE)WR.1943-5452.0000134, 2011.
2011 Jesus Efren Ospina, C. Gay-García, A. C. Conde and Gerardo Sánchez Torres Esqueda, "Water availability as a limiting factor and optimization of hydropower generation as an adaptation strategy to climate change in the Sinú-Caribe river basin," Atmósfera, Vol 24, No. 2, pp. 203-220, April 2011.
2011 Amani Alfarra, Eric Kemp-Benedict, Heinz Hötzl, Nayif Sader and Ben Sonneveld, "Modeling Water Supply And Demand For Effective Water Management Allocation In The Jordan Valley (paper)," (presentation), 6th IWA Specialist Conference on Efficient Use and Management of Water, Water Demand Mangement Challenges & Opportunities, Jordan, March 2011.