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Dr. David Purkey

Subject: Comment about WEAP   
Posted: 2/26/2011 Viewed: 37067 times
We at SEI are preparing a proposal for the Interamerican Development Bank pertaining to the development of an integrative model of cliamte change and water resources. It might be nice if we could inlude some positive testamonials from the current WEAP user community about the tool. If you have a chance, perhaps you could prepare a short stantement on what you like about WEAP and how it supports your professional activity. We might be able to use some of these in poposal.


David Purkey
SEI-US Water Group Leader
Eng. Upali Imbulana

Subject: Re: Comment about WEAP   
Posted: 2/28/2011 Viewed: 37012 times
I have been using WEAP programme for water resources management in Sri Lanka for the last three years. Main advantages of the software are easy access, technical support to learn how to use, and applicability to a wide range of water resources management issues especially in developing countries. I am suing it mainly for water balance studies. As there is an evaluation version with most of the capabilities included, it helps students and researchers of the developing countries who cannot afford highly expensive software. In addition, it allows the user to apply the model to the particular problem and make sure whether it meets the requirements, before purchasing.
Upali S. Imbulana
Sri Lanka

Eng. Abdelaziz Rayyan

Subject: Re: Comment about WEAP   
Posted: 3/1/2011 Viewed: 1499 times
Thank you first for your efforts,regarding climate change we appreciate if you add to the program
rainfall intensity
Average daily temperature
rainfall distribution/rainy season
Martin Parkes

Subject: Re: Comment about WEAP   
Posted: 3/2/2011 Viewed: 36976 times
Hello David

The principle of a decision support system, based on monthly water balance, is incredibly important in water management. WEAP seems very simple in concept but is incredibly detailed in content. The ability to represent pollution issues, hydropower generation and groundwater at a very sophisticated level is really important. I chose to use WEAP as a modelling tool when teaching water resources at a Chinese water university in 2005/6 (I think it was). Concurrently and independently a water resources colleague at Edinburgh University was also beginning to use it as part of a water resources exercise on the Shiyang River basin in west China. This is a highly stressed basin and my guess is that the results of this modelling exercise were used to judge the extent to which groundwater wells in the area should be capped in order to create sustainable water use.

I’m impressed to see that WEAP is also being used by the German GLOWA project in the mid-East as a building block for rational water resources management. As a result I’m encouraging my post-graduate colleagues to consider a similar exercise in managing the severe water crisis currently challenging west China.

Good luck with your proposal.

Best regards

Martin Parkes

(Independent consultant and teacher of
Northwest A & F University, Yangling
Shaanxi, PR CHINA)

Prof. Luciano Fleischfresser

Subject: Re: Comment about WEAP   
Posted: 3/3/2011 Viewed: 36958 times
As a novice user of the WEAP software, I was very pleased with its friendly user interface and the tools available to set up a scenario.

The tutorials are easy to follow and they allow one to taste many of WEAP's capabilities. For example, the expression builder helps when one needs to interpolate data and the sintax is easy to learn.

The setup of my particular geographical area using shapefiles was straightforward. Inserting elements on the map and specifying the data tree takes no more than some drag and drop moves and mouse clicks.

With regard to my professional activities, WEAP supports my environmental modeling and simulation efforts. We are in the process of setting up the city's water allocation scenario which will give us basis for the scenario analysis.

The institute's policy of making WEAP freely available for developing countries has allowed me to pursue water-related studies. Thank you for your leadership.
Dr. Abbas Al-Omari

Subject: Re: Comment about WEAP   
Posted: 3/6/2011 Viewed: 36917 times
I have been using WEAP since 2006. The first time I used it as a water allocation tool that allocates available water resources among the different users in an optimum way subject to the different constraints. As I became more familiar with WEAP I found that WEAP can be used for many other purposes.
First of all WEAP is a very good tool that serves as a data base where you can store plenty of data about the urban water cycle. WEAP is a very good tool that simulates the urban water cycle from the resource to the water treatment plant, to the water distribution system, to the demand site, to the wastewater treatment plant and then to the ultimate disposal site. Taking into consideration the different type of data stored as the water passes from the resources to the ultimate disposal site, WEAP can be used for many purposes, as an example, I recently used WEAP to distinguish between physical and administrative losses in water distribution systems which is a very good achievement as it is easy to estimate Non Revenue Water but very difficult to break it into its two main components physical and administrative.


Abbas Al-Omari
Associate researcher
Water and Environment Research and Study Center
University of Jordan

Dr. Patrick Keys

Subject: Re: Comment about WEAP   
Posted: 3/7/2011 Viewed: 36906 times
The WEAP model enabled me to perform a holistic analysis in a small catchment within the Volta River Basin. The intuitive and interdisciplinary design allowed for the simulation of both physical (e.g. climate change) and social (e.g. changes in urban/rural demand) scenarios. Additionally, the responsive support network, provided by the WEAP development community, enabled me to troubleshoot problems quickly and easily.


Patrick Keys
Consulting Researcher
Stockholm Resilience Centre/ SEI
Mr. Keita Mamady Kobélé

Subject: Re: Comment about WEAP   
Posted: 3/21/2011 Viewed: 36825 times
Our senior consultant were using MIKE 11 in the past, but it's helpfull to see how he easily adapts to WEAP and addresses the same issues he was fixing with MIKE11. More importantly, the possibility for us to use WEAP in French, our work language, is more than fantastic.

Mamady Kobélé Kéita
Executive Director
Guinée Ecologie
Topic "Comment about WEAP"