Subject: Using data from Excel Posted: 1/6/2011 Viewed: 44057 times
I think one of the problems with the WEAP is entering data without copy and paste capability. this is more Annoying when we want to enter data of many rivers or other supplies in weap. It is very useful if the user could copy and paste all data from excel to weap without making CSV or text files.
thank u
Mr. Jack Sieber
Subject: Re: Using data from Excel Posted: 1/6/2011 Viewed: 44050 times
There is a way to do this. In WEAP's Data View, go to the menu: Edit, Export Expressions to Excel. This will create a new Excel workbook, into which you can paste your data. When you are ready to import these new data into WEAP, go to the WEAP menu: Edit, Import Expressions from Excel.
Subject: Re: Using data from Excel Posted: 1/7/2011 Viewed: 44014 times
Thank you Jack
I have the same problem yet. In monthly variations data I must enter the values manually.
for example this is monthly variation of demand data in excel exported file:
MonthlyValues( Jul,10.72, Aug, 10.05, Sep,6.63, Oct,6.421, Nov,6.421, Dec,6.421, Jan, 6.421, Feb,6.421, Mar,6.21, Apr, 9.5, May,14.05, Jun, 10.72 ).
unfortunately I must prepare the data in monthly variation form(like the example) and then copy and paste them to excel exported file or directly to the weap demand data. In other words, my problem is preparing the data in this form.
Mr. Jack Sieber
Subject: Re: Using data from Excel Posted: 1/7/2011 Viewed: 44011 times
I forgot to mention another, very easy, way to paste time-series data into WEAP from Excel. You can copy an array of numbers from Excel and paste it into the WEAP expression box. WEAP will bring up the Paste Special Wizard to help create a monthly or yearly time series expression from these values. For example, if you have data in Excel for monthly variation, copy this array of 12 numbers and paste it into WEAP, and WEAP will create a MonthlyValues expression using these 12 values. This also works for importing a volume-elevation array into the Volume-Elevation Curve tab for a reservoir.
Mr. behzad jamali
Subject: Re: Using data from Excel Posted: 1/7/2011 Viewed: 44005 times
That's wonderful Jack :)
I try it and see how it works. I realized that it dose not work with right click and paste, but it works with Cntrl+V !!
thank you for your help.
Mr. Gilad Safier
Subject: Re: Using data from Excel Posted: 8/29/2012 Viewed: 19689 times
> There is a way to do this. In WEAP's Data View, go to the menu: Edit, Export Expressions to Excel. This will create a new Excel workbook, into which you can paste your data. When you are ready to import these new data into WEAP, go to the WEAP menu: Edit, Import Expressions from Excel.
> See for more information.
One thing I'm missing in this option, is changing the units.
I have 160 consumers I want to insert all the data to with excel.
The annual activity level for some of the consumers, for example, is "People" (or "cap").
For others it's "aquare kilometers".
Is there a way to change the units in excel or do I have to go one by one and change that?
Mr. Amin Daghighi
Subject: Re: Using data from Excel Posted: 10/2/2017 Viewed: 19688 times
Hi, Do you have a contact email to ask you couple of questions regarding reading CSV files?
Mr. Jack Sieber
Subject: Re: Using data from Excel Posted: 10/2/2017 Viewed: 19685 times
Yes, you can change the unit name in Excel, and when you import it back into WEAP, WEAP will change the unit to use the new ones from Excel.
Mr. Amin Daghighi
Subject: Re: Using data from Excel Posted: 10/2/2017 Viewed: 19680 times
This is my CSV file:
# Streamflow for Weaping River: Below Downstream Requirement
# Calculated by WEAP: 9/1/2016 4:06:32 PM
# Area: Weaping River Basin
# Scenario: Supply Measures
Unfortunately it says there is a duplicate in years, I'm not sure how should I change the file format to be readable for you
Appreciate your time and help.
Mr. Amin Daghighi
Subject: Re: Using data from Excel Posted: 10/2/2017 Viewed: 19670 times
It is the notepad file copy paste format, last one was a copy paste from my excel sheet