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All Topics | Topic "To project 20 years"
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Miss Paula Catalina Jaramillo Orrego

Subject: To project 20 years   
Posted: 5/2/2010 Viewed: 32873 times
I wanna know how is going to be my watershed in 20 years, i have demands between (1992-2005), i changed my annual activty level with the population and the growth as 0.56%,but as i have the data only for these years ...i'm not projecting for twenty years.
Dr. Michael Oloko

Subject: Re: To project 20 years   
Posted: 5/5/2010 Viewed: 32834 times
Go to main menu and access years and time steps through the General menu and set the "time horizon" by inserting your starting year for analysis as "Current account Year" and Last Year as "last Year of Scenario" to cover the whole duration of your study.
Use Growth function to project the population for the other years based on the value of previous years e.g. 'Growth(0.0056)"

Dr. Marisa Escobar

Subject: Re: To project 20 years   
Posted: 5/5/2010 Viewed: 32824 times
Usaste la funcion de growthfrom en el expression builder? con la tasa de crecimiento, el año inicial, y el valor inicial, esta funcion proyecta tambien la poblacion hacia el futuro.
Topic "To project 20 years"