Subject: how use the key Assumptions? Posted: 6/4/2009 Viewed: 34618 times
hello everyone.
I need help on how to use the key Assumptions, please, someone have some file where explain all of the use and meaning of these?.
Mr. Jack Sieber
Subject: Re: how use the key Assumptions? Posted: 6/4/2009 Viewed: 34608 times
Please take a look at the WEAP Tutorial chapter "Basic Tools" for a description and example of how to use Key Assumptions. I think it starts on page 40.
Mr. edison vizñay
Subject: Re: how use the key Assumptions? Posted: 6/8/2009 Viewed: 34568 times
Hi jack!
Thanks for your help, But I have this tutorial and I need some more information about this topic, because I need for make the theoretical framework for my thesis. For example why use the key assumptions in the model, which is the mean of this option... thanks...
Mr. Jack Sieber
Subject: Re: how use the key Assumptions? Posted: 6/10/2009 Viewed: 34560 times
There are two main benefits from using Key Assumptions.
1. By defining the main assumptions from your study in one place, it becomes very clear to others what those assumptions are and how they differ from one scenario to another.
2. If there are some variables that are referenced many places in your model, such as population growth rates and water consumption (referenced by many demand sites), or transmission link losses, then you can enter the value once (in the Key Assumption) and reference that key assumption variable in every place that uses it (such as the consumption for each demand site). This reduces the possibility for error or inconsistency, and makes it easy to change the value in the scenarios.