Subject: Linking WEAP with Parameter Estimation tool (PEST) Posted: 4/9/2009 Viewed: 43287 times
Hello altogether,
I would like to link WEAP with Parameter Estimation tool (PEST), for automatic parameter calibration of the Rainfall Runoff (soil moisture model).
I have not used PEST before, so I am just wondering how I can get started on this.
Any advice or support would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
Ferihane Karma
Subject: Re: Linking WEAP with Parameter Estimation tool (PEST) Posted: 4/13/2009 Viewed: 43232 times
I'm trying to do the same thing as you but in another view: calibrating modflow (GMS)with Pest!!As I'm very busy now, I will begin at the end of this week. I've downloaded the tutorial of Pest11 and I'm trying to understand how it works and the different calibration methods used.
Are you doing a Phd?
I'll let you know if I have news.
Best regards,
Ferihane Karma
Mr. Huzefa Haji
Subject: Re: Linking WEAP with Parameter Estimation tool (PEST) Posted: 7/6/2010 Viewed: 40498 times
Dear Julia,
Did you manage to link WEAP with PEST? I would be grateful if you would share your experience.
Mr. Jack Sieber
Subject: Re: Linking WEAP with Parameter Estimation tool (PEST) Posted: 2/2/2011 Viewed: 40496 times
The new version of WEAP includes a wizard to automate the process of linking WEAP with PEST. See for more information.
Topic "Linking WEAP with Parameter Estimation tool (PEST)"