I am now able to use WEAP quite well for my thesis. As suggested by you, I am also using the "hydropower release" as an instream water requirements for the reservoir. I did the reservoir operation simulation using HEC3 and got the monthly release time series. As I understand, I can not use a time series for the "instream requirements" so I am using the average release only. This is of course not the same. Can I do any better?
I was hoping if you could find some time to take care of the reservoir operation for hydropower generation also in WEAP. This would be very beneficial for my study. I would very be grateful if this could be done.
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Subject: Hydropower release modeling Posted: 4/4/2003 Viewed: 47583 times
Hydropower release modeling Jack Sieber jsieber jsieber@tellus.org
I would like to enhance WEAP to allow for hydropower to influence reservoir operation, but at the moment I am overwhelmed with other projects.
Here's a thought: put an instream flow requirement node immediately below the reservoir, and set its flow requirement (which can vary monthly and yearly) to force enough water to be released from the reservoir to generate the target energy requirement. It will have to be approximate, as the hydropower generated will be a function of the level of the reservoir, but you should be able to get it fairly close.
Yes, hydropower is one of the major uses of the reservoirs in Nepal. Hence, I will need to operate the reservoir for the sole purpose or priority to hydropower generation. One of the main objectives of my study is to see the "trade-0ff" or conflict between different sectors like hydropower, irrigation, instream water demand, flood control etc. The other objective is ofcourse to see the inter-regional (eg upstream -downstream) conflict, if any. Hence I need to operate the reservoir with each of these priorities to get the trade-off. Can you help include hydropower generation in the reservoir operation?
Deleted User
Subject: Hydropower release modeling Posted: 4/4/2003 Viewed: 47573 times
Hydropower release modeling Jack Sieber jsieber jsieber@tellus.org
WEAP will release water from a reservoir for two reasons:
1) there is a downstream demand for the water, either for a withdrawal, diversion or instream flow requirement
2) the level is above the Top of Conservation pool.
In WEAP, hydropower does not affect reservoir operations. Water will not be released solely to generate hydropower. Will this be a problem for you?
I am using WEAP with a simple example as attached herewith. I see problems in hydropower generation where it generates only using a flow equal to Plant Factor x the flow in the month. I would expect the reservoir to generate energy upto the value equal to Plant Factor x Max Turbine Capacity if storage is available. Isn;t this the criteria for hydropower generation? As you see in the attached file, the resevoir remains at the max storage level and generates only the former case as given below. I am confused? Can you help?