Subject: Kc for Catchment modeling Posted: 9/22/2007 Viewed: 48845 times
Kc for Catchment modeling Anna Sikharulidze annano anikge@yahoo.comGood day,
Please tell me where I can find information about KC (crop coefficients) values for different trees or forests to be used in catchment modeling?
Thanks. Anna
Mr. Jack Sieber
Subject: Re: Kc for Catchment modeling Posted: 10/18/2007 Viewed: 48833 times
Re: Kc for Catchment modeling Jack Sieber jsieber jack.sieber@sei-us.orgFAO Bulletin 56 has plenty of information on Kc values for crops, including fruit trees (see ).
Does anyone know any sources for Kc values for non-agricultural land classes, such as forests?
Subject: Re: Kc for Catchment modeling Posted: 10/19/2007 Viewed: 48824 times
Re: Kc for Catchment modeling Martin Parkes martinpa2> From: "Jack Sieber" <> > > Hello Jack
I suggest that you contact Professor Ian Calder - details below:
Organization - Centre for Land Use and Water Resources Research 3rd Floor, Devonshire Building, University of Newcastle Newcastle Upon Tyne NE1 7RU United Kingdom
Subject: Re: Kc for Catchment modeling Posted: 1/22/2008 Viewed: 48372 times
Re: Kc for Catchment modeling Anna Sikharulidze annano anikge@yahoo.comJack,
I have read your rticle: WEAP21 – A Demand-, Priority-, and Preference-Driven Water Planning Model, Part II, one of authors of which you are. Here you discuss the caseIn this article the case study of Sacramento River Basin is given. Could you please tell me what Kc-s have you used in this case study for different land types (deciduous, evergreen, shrubs, grass, irrig.pasture) before and after calibration, if you have this data still available. I have problem with one of the catchments I am modeling (Tskenistskali river in Georgia). It seems that I have too much parameters to calibrate and I want to have initial values as best as possible. That's why I am seeking for these kc-s from somewhere. Thanks again. Anna
Subject: Re: Kc for Catchment modeling Posted: 1/29/2008 Viewed: 48342 times
Re: Kc for Catchment modeling Samuel Sandoval samuelsandoval samuel.sandoval@mail.utexas.eduDear Anna,
Hi, this is Samuel Sandoval, from the University of Texas at Austin. I haven't done so much about hydrological modeling, I'm more expert in planning model. Althought, Charlotte Amato, Eusebio Ingol, and Daene McKinney have done something in that area, in fact, Eusebio Ingol and Dr. McKiney have done the calibration for the Conchos BAsin, in Mexico, I think it will be great that you take a look to the on-line report they did. This is the link,
If you want more information you can contact Dr. MiKinney or you can send an email directly to Eusebio Ingol, who was the person who calibrate the model. I hope this can help you.
Mr. David Yates
Subject: Kc for Catchment modeling Posted: 1/31/2008 Viewed: 48323 times
Kc for Catchment modeling David Yates yates yates@ucar.eduAs a first guess, I would recommend setting all Kc's to a value of 1.0. Since we are modeling soil moisture, soil water deficits will reduce ET even with PET is large. I use the Kc value to "tweak" certain crop/land use types... so usually, I have values that range between 0.9 and 1.1 The higher values would be crops that Et above a reference crop value, where the lower values are crops that Et below a reference crop value under non-water limiting conditions. In the case of FAO models, I think Kc's are basically used as a surrogate to soil water deficits, but with the WEAP soil moisture model, we are explicitly modeling those deficits. dy
Kirsten Harma
Subject: Re: Kc for Catchment modeling Posted: 9/15/2009 Viewed: 47095 times
Not sure if this will still be useful, but I came across a report that said that the ET of coniferous forests (in the Pacific Northwest of the US) is about 83% that of a reference crop (pasture), so I assume that the Kc would be less than that of the reference crop by about the same amount? For more info, see Black, Spittlehouse, Novack (1989). Estimation of areal evapotranspiration. In Spittlehouse, D.L. eds, Estimating ET from Land Surfaces in BC. IAHS. Publication # 177. p. 245-256.