

Month or M or TS


The number of the current month, where the first month in the Water Year is 1 and the last month is 12 (as specified in the General, Years and Time Steps screen).  Synonymous with TS (timestep).  Note: if the model timestep is daily, Month will return the number of the month (1-12) that the date is in (regardless of water year start date).



Evaluated in January = 1    (assuming the water year starts in January)
Evaluated in January = 4    (assuming the water year starts in October)

For a daily timestep:

Evaluated on January 1 = 1    (regardless of the water year start date)
Evaluated on January 2 = 1    (regardless of the water year start date)
Evaluated on January 3 = 1    (regardless of the water year start date)
Evaluated on January 31 = 1    (regardless of the water year start date)
Evaluated on February 1 = 2    (regardless of the water year start date)
Evaluated on September 15 = 9    (regardless of the water year start date)

See Also

Days, DaysBefore, JulianDaysBefore, TotalDaysBefore, Seconds, Seconds, Hours, TS, Year, Timesteps, PrevYear, BaseYear, CAY, CurrentAccountsYear, EndYear