

ElevationToVolume(Elevation) or
ElevationToVolume(Reservoir, Elevation)


Converts a reservoir elevation to a reservoir volume, using the Reservoir Volume Elevation Curve. If the reservoir parameter is not included, then the current reservoir will be used. A typical use would be to specify reservoir operating zones, such as top of conservation, using elevation instead of volume units. Note: the elevation given must be in the unit specified for reservoir elevation and the resulting volume will be in the unit specified for reservoir volume (see General Area Parameters, Units).


Your data for the top of conservation pool is in meters, not cubic meters. Because you are referring to the volume elevation curve from a variable (top of conservation) from the same reservoir, you can omit the reservoir parameter. Here is the expression to put into the top of conservation data variable, than includes the elevation data (from 20 - 30 m):

  ElevationToVolume( MonthlyValues(Jan, 20, Feb, 20, Mar, 20, Apr, 30, May, 30, Jun, 28, Jul, 25, Aug, 22, Sep, 20, Oct, 20, Nov, 20, Dec, 20) )

You want to model a water conservation program that starts (reducing demand by 15%) when the reservoir elevation drops below a critical level (20 m). Here is the expression for \Demand Sites\South City:DSM Reduction

  If( ElevationToVolume( Supply and Resources\River\Weaping River\Reservoirs\Central Reservoir, 20 ) < PrevTSValue(Supply and Resources\River\Weaping River\Reservoirs\Central Reservoir:Storage Volume[Million m^3]),

Note: for this example, it would actually be easier to get the result value for elevation directly (no need to convert elevation to volume), using PrevTSValue(Supply and Resources\River\Weaping River\Reservoirs\Central Reservoir:Storage Elevation.