WaterYearToCalendarYear(WaterYear, WaterMonth)
Convert water year to calendar year (will be the same if water year starts in January). If called with no parameters, will use the water year and month in which the expression is evaluated.
WaterYearToCalendarYear(2020, 1) = 2020 if water year starts in January
WaterYearToCalendarYear(2020, 1) = 2019 if water year starts in October,
because October 2019 is the first month of water year 2020
WaterYearToCalendarYear(2020, 2) = 2019 if water year starts in October,
because November 2019 is the second month of water year 2020
WaterYearToCalendarYear(2020, 3) = 2019 if water year starts in October,
because December 2019 is the third month of water year 2020
WaterYearToCalendarYear(2020, 4) = 2020 if water year starts in October,
because January 2020 is the fourth month of water year 2020
Evaluated in water year = 2020 and water month = 1: WaterYearToCalendarYear
= 2020 if water year starts in January
Evaluated in water year = 2020 and water month = 1: WaterYearToCalendarYear
= 2019 if water year starts in October
If((WaterMonthToCalendarMonth <= RealWorldMonth) And (WaterYearToCalendarYear <= RealWorldYear)), ReadFromFile(ReservoirHistoricalData.csv), Central Reservoir:Storage Volume) ; Read data from historical data csv file for all months up to and including current real world month, but use simulated data afterwards.