Reservoir Maximum Hydraulic Outflow

Maximum reservoir outflow during the timestep due to hydraulic constraints.  Typically this will be a function of reservoir elevation at beginning of timestep (PrevTSValue(Storage Elevation)).  Optional--no constraint if blank (i.e., no limit on outflow).  Also, no constraint in timesteps when reservoir is completely full--water will overtop the reservoir at an unlimited rate.  Normally, when there is no maximum hydraulic outflow constraint, WEAP will never allow reservoir storage to exceed the top of conservation.  However, if there is a maximum hydraulic outflow constraint, it is possible for the reservoir storage to exceed the top of conservation in timesteps where releases from the reservoir equal the maximum hydraulic outflow.

See River Reservoir Flows for calculation algorithms.

Entered on: Data View, Branch: Supply and Resources \ Local or River \ Reservoir, Category: Physical, Tab: Maximum Hydraulic Outflow