Other River Nodes

The following river nodes have no data associated with them--they serve to mark the points of inflow and outflow from a river.

Withdrawal nodes, which represent points where any number of demand sites receive water directly from a river.

Diversion nodes, which divert water from a river or other diversion into a canal or pipeline called a diversion. This diversion is itself, like a river, composed of a series of reservoir, run-of-river hydropower, flow requirement, withdrawal, diversion, tributary, catchment inflow and return flow nodes.

Tributary nodes define points where one river joins another. The inflow from a tributary node is the outflow from the tributary river.

Return flow nodes, which represent return flows from demand sites and wastewater treatment plants. (You may actually have return flows enter the river at any type of river node: reservoir, run-of-river, tributary, diversion, flow requirement, withdrawal, catchment inflow or return flow node.)

Catchment Inflow flow nodes, which represent runoff inflow from catchments. (You may actually have catchment inflows enter the river at any type of river node: reservoir, run-of-river, tributary, diversion, flow requirement, withdrawal, catchment inflow or return flow node.)