Other Supplies

"Other" supplies represent non-river supplies that have no storage capacity. Examples include streams or other unconnected rivers, inter-basin transfers or other imports, and desalination plants. Since these sources have no carry-over storage, unused supply from one month cannot be stored for next month's use.  However, the supply from an Other Supply can be stored in a reservoir, e.g., to model a desalination plant whose output is stored in a reservoir.  To do this, use a transmission link to connect the Other Supply to the Reservoir.  Alternatively, the Other Supply could be fed directly into a river or diversion (via a transmission link) for use downstream.  The flow in the Other Supply will not flow along the transmission link unless there is a downstream demand that requests it, including a reservoir filling demand.

You may specify the monthly inflow using the Water Year Method, the Read from File Method, or with an expression. See Specifying Inflow for details.

Entered on: Data View, Branch: Supply and Resources \ Other Supplies, Tab: Inflow