

MonthlyVector(Month1Value, Month2Value, ..., MonthNValue)


Specify values for all months of the water year, in order from first to last.  This is a more compact form for assigning values to months than the MonthlyValues function because the month names are not included, but has no option for interpolating missing values.  Note: Month1Value will be used for the first month of the water year, which is not necessarily January.


MonthlyVector(10, 15, 17, 20, 21, 22, ...)

If the water year started on January:

Jan = 10
Feb = 15
Mar = 17
Apr = 20
May = 21
Jun = 22

If the water year started on October:

Oct = 10
Nov = 15
Dec = 17
Jan = 20
Feb = 21
Mar = 22