Maximum Diversion

Diversion nodes withdraw water from a river (or another diversion), and this diverted flow becomes the headflow for a diversion. A diversion is modeled in WEAP as a separate river, complete with river nodes, demands and return flows. Typically, a diversion is an artificial conduit, such as a canal or pipeline. WEAP will divert only as much water into the diversion as is needed to satisfy demands for water on the diversion -- instream flow requirements, reservoir filling or withdrawals for demand sites -- unless Fraction Diverted is set.  The Maximum Diversion represents the maximum amount that can be diverted, due to physical capacity, contractual or other constraints.  However, this maximum constraint only applies to the amount diverted into a diversion; if the diversion has other inflows downstream, it can exceed this maximum.  You may not enter data for both Maximum Diversion and Fraction Diverted.

Entered on: Data View, Branch: Supply and Resources \ River \ <Diversion Name>, Tab: Maximum Diversion