
You can selectively show or hide objects on the Schematic and Data View Tree based on their scenario, type and tags.  For large models, this can be a powerful way to focus on a smaller subset of your model.

Filtering on a scenario will show objects that are or are not active in the specified scenario.  For example, "Scenario <> Current Accounts" will show only those objects that are not active in Current Accounts.  "Scenario <> Current Accounts  AND  Scenario = Supply Measures" will only show objects that are not active in Current Account but are active (have a Startup Year > 0) in the Supply Measures scenario.

Filtering on a type will show objects that are of that type.  This has the same effect as checking or unchecking the type in the WEAP Legend (upper left corner).  For example, "Type <> Groundwater" will show all objects except groundwater nodes.  "Type = Demand Site  OR  Type = Reservoir" will only show Demand Sites and Reservoir nodes.  Note: If a river node is shown, then the river itself will also be shown.

Filtering on a tag will show objects that have or do not have the specified tag.  The format is "TagCategory = Tag" or "TagCategory <> Tag."  Using the Weaping River Basin as an example, "Location = West  OR  Demand Type = Industry" will only show objects that are tagged with Location category West, or Demand Type category Industry.  

A filter can combine several individual filters with "AND" and "OR," but you cannot mix "AND" and "OR" in the same filter.  For example, "Scenario <> Current Accounts  AND  Scenario = Supply Measures  OR  Type = Demand Site" is not allowed.

To set a filter, go to the main menu (Schematic, Filter, or Tree, Filter), or to the Filter Toolbar below the inset map (lower left).  Click the Filter button on the filter toolbar (or the Filter main menu option) for the following options: No Filter, Create Filter..., or choose any of the five most recently used filters, or any filter that you have saved with a name (in the Create Filter screen).  Or you can type a new filter directly into the edit box on the filter toolbar.  If a filter is active, it will be shown in the edit box.  If it is too wide to fit, WEAP will display the full filter when you hover the mouse over the edit box.

Filter Toolbar

The Create Filter wizard is easier to use, and allows you to name a filter for later use, but if you know exactly what filter you want, it is probably faster to type it directly into the filter box.  As a shortcut when typing a filter, you do not need to specify the category.  Instead of typing "Type = Demand Site  or  Location = West," you could just type "Demand Site or West."  However, there may be cases where it is ambiguous, such if you have both a tag and a scenario named "High Growth."  In this case, you must use the category to avoid ambiguity (e.g., "Scenario = High Growth").  After you have typed in your filter, WEAP will interpret it, notify you of any errors, and add in any missing categories.  If you type "Demand Site or West," it will be transformed into "Type = Demand Site  or  Location = West."

When a filter is active, it will also filter when you Export Expressions to Excel, or when you create the Data Expressions Report.  This can be a useful way to limit the information to a more manageable size.

If you save a WEAP area with a filter in place, that filter is saved with the area and will be active the next time you open the area.

See also: Create Filter, Tags (Overview),

Menu Option: Schematic: Filter (Schematic View), or  Tree: Filter (Data View)