Simplified Coefficient Method Results

The following reports are available for catchments using the Simplified Coefficient Method:

Runoff from Precipitation

The amount of runoff from the catchment derived from precipitation

Observed Precipitation

The amount of rainfall that actually fell on the catchment area.

Infiltration/Runoff Flow

Volume of flows from catchments to surface and groundwater.


The amount of water that would be consumed by evapotranspiration in the catchment if no water limitations exist.

ETActual (including irrigation)

The actual amount of water consumed by evapotranspiration in the catchment, including water supplied by irrigation

ET Shortfall

The amount of water that was needed, but was not available from precipitation and irrigation, for evapotranspiration in the catchment

Annual Crop Production

The total annual production from crops cultivated in the catchment

Annual Market Value

The total annual crop production multiplied by the market price for the crops

See also: Simplified Coefficient Method Calculation Algorithm