Water Quality Results

Water Quality results cover pollution generation by demand sites, pollution loads at receptors, wastewater treatment, and surface water quality.

River Water Quality

Concentrations of water quality constituents at all river nodes and reaches.

River Water Quality Gauge Comparison

Side-by-side comparison of Modeled and Observed water quality concentrations at the node immediately above a streamflow gauge.  Calibration statistics are shown on the right underneath the legend, and also on their own tab ("Statistics").  You may select one or more of the following fourteen statistics to view (use the "Statistics" dropdown above the legend to choose): N, Missing, NSE, KGE, NRMSE, PBIAS, RSR, LogNSE, InvNSE, SqrtNSE, RMSE, MAE, r, r^2.  See Calibration Statistics for more information.

Link Water Quality

Concentrations of water quality constituents in transmission links, return flow links and infiltration/runoff links. (For return links, this is the concentration taking into account any decay of the constituent.)

Outflow Water Quality (by Source)

Concentrations of water quality constituents on outflow from nodes.

Demand Site Inflow Water Quality (Mixed)

Concentrations of water quality constituents on inflow to demand sites, wastewater treatment plants and catchments (mixed, if multiple sources).

Reservoir Inflow Water Quality (Mixed)

Concentrations of water quality constituents on inflow to local and river reservoirs (mixed, if multiple inflows).

Reservoir Storage Water Quality (Mixed)

Concentrations of water quality constituents in local and river reservoirs (mixed).  This report is only available for reservoirs that use SimpleMixing.

Demand Site Pollution Generation

Pollution generated by each demand site. If you have disaggregated by demand branches below the demand site level, you may disaggregate the results as well.

Pollution Loads at Receptors

Pollutant loads carried by return flow links from demand sites and wastewater treatments (sources) into rivers, groundwater nodes and other supplies (receptors).

Pollution Inflow to Treatment Plants

Total pollution flowing in to wastewater treatment plants.

Wastewater Treatment Plant Total Inflow

Total volume of wastewater that flows into a wastewater treatment plant (without regard to the plant's capacity).  Could be useful in calculating treatment costs or energy use on a per unit basis.

Wastewater Treatment Plant Inflows and Outflows

Details of all inflows and outflows from wastewater treatment plants, including water lost during treatment.

Wastewater Treatment Plant Capacity Utilization

The percentage of a Wastewater Treatment Plant's capacity (if any) that is used.  Utilization greater than 100% indicates that the treatment plant cannot treat all the inflow in that timestep, causing some to overflow untreated.

Wastewater Treatment Plant Overflow

Flow (if any) that exceeds the wastewater treatment plant's capacity.